
...joined 16 years ago, and has 2881 karma

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Email: skinny.much [/a/t/] Usually on FBM, text, Telegram, Slack, etc. You can hit me up for any of my handles. Always enjoy talking to people - helping one another out, bouncing ideas. Kismet: ae8f5d [ my public key:; my proof: ]

### End of 2022 update: Learning CS fundamentals, Algo + DS alongside leetcoding as I’ll fully switch to a software dev career when I can land a solid programming job. Still very interested in startups, entrepreneurship, being an indie dev and so on.

Anti-capitalist left-wing politics and theory interest me.

### 2020-2021 update: Co-founded a free organically maintained virtual co-working community, in 2020. Working on open source code for smaller scale collaborative workflows as minimal apps/web apps with the community above in mind as the basis. Hopefully I can then spin off a paid SaaS to bring in money on the side in the coming future.

### Pre-2019: Main areas are affiliate, online ads/marketing, media buying right now. Self taught programmer.

Learned programming with PHP in 2010. Have moved on to mainly Ruby and JS since. Though a lot of media buying requires PHP work still. Automation, crawling/scraping, and data mining are favs of mine.

Since late 2014, I have coded a successful SaaS web app and helped improve profits and revenue for ad and marketing companies that weren't fully utilizing analytics and other helpful assets like split testing.

Since late 2016, I've been focused on another bootstrapped SaaS app in the online ad niche. Done my research, etc. I know it can be profitable. Just have to get it going. This ended up failing in 2018 and I shut it down in 2019 due to base high server and complexity fees.

I'm also back into Media Buying starting in 2017. And doing pretty well with it so far. Running e-commerce stores as well. This also failed in 2018.

    ##### 2022 update
    Both failures were heavily weighted by my own debilitating anxiety and depression/confidence side effects. Luckily in the ‘20s, I’ve come to terms with this and improved on it quite a bit.