A new guide on linear logic! Much deeper than the usual "imagine a vending machine" guide, though I do mention the connection to that at the end lol. This is great for getting an intuition for substructural logics in academic papers, as well as the notorious multiple-conclusion sequents used in, say, type systems for safe parallelism. The post prior gives the necessary background on sequent calculus, if needed. This series is on much of the most beautiful theory ever, and I hope you enjoy!!
A new guide on linear logic! Much deeper than the usual "imagine a vending machine" guide, though I do mention the connection to that at the end lol. This is great for getting an intuition for substructural logics in academic papers, as well as the notorious multiple-conclusion sequents used in, say, type systems for safe parallelism. The post prior gives the necessary background on sequent calculus, if needed. This series is on much of the most beautiful theory ever, and I hope you enjoy!!