dzhiurgis 4 days ago

If you ever visit New Zealand you can use this map to find all sort of geo weirdness and tons of fossils -

  • dalmo3 3 days ago

    This is fantastic! I'm doing a little road trip soon and will surely try to catch some of those landmarks, especially the ones around Kaikoura.

    Website reminds me of too.

pault 3 days ago

All the interesting bones are hidden in the Smithsonian.

amanzi 4 days ago

This definitely has vibes of old-school table-based layout. Was not disappointed. :-)

  • speerer 4 days ago

    It's a fossil of its own. On the sign-in page:

    > " This facility is currently under development (November 2005)."

  • thangngoc89 4 days ago

    I made me check the source code. It's actually built with table layout, not just mimicking the vibe.

tokai 4 days ago

How is it open access? I can see nothing about libre or open licensing. Would very much assume that the database if fully covered by copyright.