maffydub 4 days ago

Cool hack, but I thought this was actually going to be using phone calls!

A few years back, I built TeleDoom ( for the TADHack hackathon (

This allowed you to play Doom by calling a phone number, which connected via a VoIP trunk to an Asterisk server, which read your button presses and translated them into actions in Doom, and then streamed the result back over Twitch - trying to recreate the vibe of 80s/90s TV phone-in games! (These were a thing on Saturday morning TV in the UK.)

I never tested whether it would work with pulse-dial (i.e. rotary) phones - I think that would come down to the VoIP trunk provider!

This involved a VoIP trunk connected ot

  • lisper 4 days ago

    > I thought this was actually going to be using phone calls!

    Next year.

    • oneshtein 4 days ago

      You can join army and practice Doom by phone or radio today!

  • bbarnett 4 days ago

    vibe of 80s/90s TV phone-in games!

    Well that brings back memories. I recall "Ranger Bob" in Northern New York, Rochester I think, who used to host skits, and other things around cartoons. And they had a TV game where you'd yell 'POW' over and over to shoot things.

    As a Canuck I'd watch US TV, and it's neat to know that the UK had such cultural similarities too.

Dwedit 4 days ago

Before anyone tries to bring it up, Doom never ran on a pregnancy test. That was a case mod, no original parts were used besides the plastic case.

  • rob74 4 days ago

    Well, it was still more "on" the pregnancy test than "on" the rotary phone - in this case, the phone is just a (really really bad) controller, Doom is still running on whatever the phone is connected to.

  • tempodox 4 days ago

    I shudder to think of the side effects if the test were positive.

  • bbarnett 4 days ago

    While Doom many not have, I assure you many felt doom when waiting for the result.

Brajeshwar 4 days ago

Anyone know what electronic devices are left for Doom to conquer?

  • ivan_gammel 4 days ago

    Jet fighter helmets

    BESM-6 mainframe (if there’s any alive still)

    Drilling control systems

    Medical ultrasound scanners

    Screenless, but… a 3D-printed level with remotely controlled cockroaches.

    (I’m looking forward to “challenge accepted” comments except for the last two ones)

  • jansan 4 days ago

    Not really electronic devices, but how about facades of high rise buildings. I remember playing pong in Berlin on the Blinkenlights installation[1], why not play doom on one of those insane new Chinese skyscrapers?

    Edit: I was also thinking about the Favicon, but this has been done already:


    • Brajeshwar 4 days ago

      Let's remember this comment when this is done. I'm sure someone will do it soon, even if it meant just controlling the lights in the windows.

    • herodoturtle 4 days ago

      Reminds me of the final scene in Hackers (1995).

      “Beat that!”

      Pure poetry.

Tepix 4 days ago

Here's Doom running on a 64x40 display (not my hack), has anyone gone lower than that?

tempodox 4 days ago

> Hello operator? I'd like to report a Cacodemon.

When you've got a demon-infested rotary phone, you know progress has struck!

Already looking forward to the next improbable device to play Doom on…

1970-01-01 3 days ago

Doom With a Modified Rotary Phone. Pedantic, but the title has the wrong preposition for what was actually accomplished.

DaoVeles 4 days ago

Can we just appreciate the 3rd grader humor of the name.

Like a calculator app a friend made called the 'Crapulator'. It lived up to the name but not in the same fashion as the 'wrongulator'.

burglins 4 days ago

The part about bluetooth is all too relatable. I'm wondering if there is some other way to do wireless communication that is much less annoying to set up?

erickhill 4 days ago

It's like when your joystick seems to be on the fritz, yet you keep going for way too long before deciding to do something else entirely.

  • throwup238 4 days ago

    The trick is to stop before you rub your joystick raw.

m4rc3lv 4 days ago

I liked the story about the hackathon. Too bad something like this does not exist in my country.

  • Tepix 4 days ago

    Go and start one!

nullhole 4 days ago

Now I want to see a doom UI that does speech-to-mouse, so you shout "turn left!", "move forward!", "fire!", etc, into a telephone handset to run the game.

  • _joel 4 days ago

    Reminds me of a 90's gameshow back here in the UK, Nightmare. One player would be blindfolded whilst the other team member tried to guide them around a grid avoiding being captured.. "Left, no, my left, no I mean your left, no!!!"|

    Also or is what you might want, from a quick google. Add an rj11 to 3.5mm connection, hey presto ;)

  • anthk 4 days ago

    You can play text adventures over the phone with Asterisk, CMU-sphinx and some tweaked up dfrotz.

    Also, Frotz has been ported to more devices than Doom.

Razengan 4 days ago

If you dream about Doom then Doom is running on you.

yapyap 4 days ago

Not really “on” the phone right? or did I misunderstand the clip, cause it seemed like he was merely controlling it with the phone

stevage 4 days ago

It's cool, but I object to the misleading language. This isn't playing Doom on a phone, it's playing Doom using a phone as a controller.

  • grujicd 4 days ago

    Title of original article is "play Doom on rotary phone", not "Doom on rotary phone", so it's a problem with a shortened HN title.

    When describing playing a game in Serbian we use "on a controller" instead of "with a controller". It may be the same in Lithuanian.

    • stevage 4 days ago

      Sounds like more of a translation issue than a shortening issue then.