valtlfelipe 3 days ago

Looks very promising. Enjoyed the idea. But would love to see some pricing. The only option is to get in touch, and this gives me an enterprise and expensive feeling.

  • foolswisdom 3 days ago

    Based on

    > It's like having a full-time integration team at 1/3 the cost

    It definitely sounds like they intend to charge a nice amount of money.

    • tcistull 2 days ago

      Hey! Thomas here, founder of Syncd. This was actually intended to mean that our prices are about 1/3 the competitors in this space like Pipedream and Zapier. So in actuality, unless you are sending 10's of millions of events, it's not "that"(relative to each company) expensive.

      I can see where the confusion would come from, I will try and come up with a new tag-line for that! Thanks for the info!!

    • textninja 3 days ago

      I took that to mean savings in developer hours (reduced, not eliminated) and assume the subscription price will be nominal at its lowest tier / usage.

      • tcistull 2 days ago

        Thomas here, founder of Syncd. Yes this is exactly it!

  • benzible 3 days ago

    Probably the best business decision for them. Small, scrappy startups will just implement webhooks themselves.

    • valtlfelipe 2 days ago

      I agree, but it's something I would consider use, depending on the pricing, by being a solo dev.

      • benzible 2 days ago

        The issue is: if you have pricing that works for solo devs / small teams, you'll leave a lot of money on the table with respect to enterprises, who are willing to spend silly amounts of money but also don't want to feel like they're being ripped off. One "solution" is non-transparent pricing but your low-end pricing may leak. Of course you can charge for enterprise features but the signal you send via low end pricing will set expectations for enterprises as well.

        • tcistull 2 days ago

          You've hit the nail on the head with this. One big reason we don't show our pricing is that we're still a young company, and we're figuring things out. We don't yet have enough data to know the real value we bring or who our ideal customer is. If we price too low, we might shortchange ourselves, but if we go too high, we could scare people away.

        • tcistull 2 days ago

          For now (until we are bigger and have more devs), I go off of a per company basis and see the needs/amounts for them. Then I see our costs and shoot over a price to start the discussion

      • tcistull 2 days ago

        Hey! I'm Thomas, Founder of Syncd. I'd love to discuss our pricing with you in more detail. Feel free to reach out to me directly at

        Looking forward to connecting!

  • tcistull 2 days ago

    Hey! I'm Thomas, the founder of Syncd, and it's just me working on this project right now. I’ve set up a "contact us" approach for pricing because I don't know what to charge for each customer (generic price, we aren't big enough to determine that yet). I want to speak with companies and understand their specific needs. This way, I can get a better sense of how many webhook events you send and what kind of features you’re looking for.

    I’m open to any suggestions on what you think is fair and honest pricing for a service like this.