Larrikin 4 days ago

What ever became of those group DDOS sites for Russian web services that were linked everywhere at the beginning of the war? Did they ever actually work?

  • throwaway74354 4 days ago

    They did. For about 3-5 days there were some major service outages. Some of which were ugly and not very smart in hindsight. In case of my ex-employers, this DDoS was serious enough to break availability of multiple transportation-related sites with a single backend. Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian among others. Thanks guys, you've definitely helped to stop Putin!

    Now lots of Russian services are either unavailable from the outside, or use DDoS-Guard and other protection providers. The situation had left some ironic service market niche: when you're inside Russia, you need VPN to circumvent the state censorship, when you're outside, there's demand for in-Russia endpoints now. Banking, state bureaucracy websites, utility bill payment sites and integrations, local media streaming services.