breck 3 months ago

Oh my goodness.

Claude 3's Sonnet can whip up this sort of thing now in seconds:

It struggles with a few of the more advanced features (in particular, getting advanced features to interplay correctly), but it nails 80% of it on the first try, and generates better visual design than me.

In contrast, it took me a few days to build this (but then again, I was also doing it as research into building yet another react like framework, at that time).

cobbal 3 months ago

With this you can even roll a QR code into a game of minesweeper:

  • breck 3 months ago

    Love it!

    I wonder what CSS tweaks would be needed to get phone cameras to read these properly.

    Would definitely accept a pull request for a keyboard shortcut "q" that words like "w" except generates a QR code :)

Zobat 3 months ago

Surprisingly tedious playing the board generated from a word. Lots of high numbers and few gaps made for a lot of clicking.

The fact that I tried a few times to click left+right button on digits tells me I've spent enough time playing minesweeper.

For anyone who haven't tried to become competitive at minesweeper, clicking both mouse buttons on a digit that has the right amount of "bomb marks" on neighboring squares makes the (Windows) game click on all not yet clicked squares.

  • breck 3 months ago

    > Surprisingly tedious playing the board generated from a word

    Agreed. A fun way to play it is 2 player in person. The player tries to guess the word as they go, and the board creator tells them if they got it (so you just try to get the general shape of the word, without actually trying to solve every letter).

trevoragilbert 3 months ago

This is fun! In trying to find an edge with generating based on a word, from what I can tell it also has a border of not-bombs which gives the player an edge they wouldn't have in classic minesweeper.

breck 3 months ago

2 ways to craft your own board:

1. Press "w" to enter a string that will be converted to a board

2. On a new board before clicking any piece, start adding flags. A link will appear to a custom board where each flag will be a mine.

eps 3 months ago

Browsing from an (older) iPad and linked page shows up as a blank. Just FYI.

alejoar 3 months ago

For anyone wondering without time, the solution is E=MC^2